As part of preseason preparation, the coaching staff and Sports Scientist Michael Donaghy are preparing a program of activities that all players will be expected to perform.

The first step is to  complete a basic fitness test.  This involves:

  1. Performing a functional warmup.
  2. Running  a “Bronco” (while recording your time).

Upon completion you will be required to submit the following details using the form below:

  1. The time it took to complete.
  2. RPE score (how hard you found the activity).
  3. Max Heartrate (optional – if you have a device that can measure this).

The following infographic (prepared by Dave Nolan) provides instructions on how to perform the Bronco.




The RPE Scale

The RPE scale is used to measure how easy or difficult you find an activity.

  • A rating of 1 would be how you feel when sitting in a chair.
  • A rating of 10 is how you feel at the end of an exercise stress test or after a very difficult activity.